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Creates a stream that constructs a Map with the latest value of the inner stream of each key.

export const combineKeys = <K, T>(
keys$: Observable<Iterable<K> | KeyChanges<K>>,
getInner$: (key: K) => Observable<T>,
): Observable<Map<K, T>>


  • keys$: Stream of the list of keys to subscribe to.
  • getInner$: Function that returns the stream for each key.


A stream with a map containing the latest value from the stream of each key.


You're typically going to call this after partitionByKey():

const [getByKey, keys$] = partitionByKey(source$, x => x.key);
const combined$ = combineKeys(keys$, getByKey);

Here it is in action, picking up from the partitionByKey() example. You have a stream representing the list of pets, you have a function that returns the stream associated with each pet, and now combineKeys() gives you a stream that emits a map of this whole data structure whenever any of it changes. If you're careful about where you bind these you can save a lot of component updates:

interface Pet {
id: number;
pet: string,
pos: number;

const petNames = ["Fluffy", "Bella", "Nala", "Nocturne", "Teddy"];

const [petUpdate$, updatePet] = createSignal<Pet>();

const petRace$ = petUpdate$.pipe(startWith(, id): Pet => ({pet, id, pos: 1})),

const [petByID, petIdChange$] = partitionByKey(petRace$, x =>
const keyMap$ = combineKeys(petIdChange$, petByID);

const leadingPet$ = keyMap$.pipe(map(x => // map to pet with highest pos
.sort(([k1,v1], [k2,v2]) => v2.pos - v1.pos)[0][1]

const advancingPet$: Observable<Pet> = interval(1000).pipe(
map(([_, x]) => x),
takeWhile(x => {
for (let [k,v] of x) {
if (v.pos == 20) return false // win condition
return true;
map((x: Map<number, Pet>) =>
x.get(Math.floor(Math.random() * x.size)) as Pet),
map(pet => ({, pos: pet.pos + 1})), // increment position

const [usePetByID] = bind((petId:number) => petByID(petId));
const [useLeader] = bind(leadingPet$, null);
const [useAdvancingPet] = bind(advancingPet$, null);

See also