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Operator function that maps a stream of KeyChanges into a Set that contains the active keys.

function toKeySet<K>(): OperatorFunction<KeyChanges<K>, Set<K>>


An OperatorFunction that will aggregate the key changes from the stream into a Set with those keys.


// Call to service mocked for the example
const priceStream$ = from([
symbol: "AUDCHF",
price: 1.32,
symbol: "GOLD",
price: 1.213,
symbol: "CRYPTO",
price: 2.45,
symbol: "GOLD",
price: 1.27,
// Add delay to every new price.
concatMap((value) => of(value).pipe(delay(100))),

const [lastPriceOfSymbol, symbolChange$] = partitionByKey(
(x) => x.symbol,

const activeSymbols$ = toKeySet(symbolChange$).pipe(
map((keySet) => Array.from(keySet)),

activeSymbols$.subscribe((keys) => console.log(keys))
// Will log:
// ['AUDCHF']
// ['AUDCHF', 'GOLD']

See also