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Groups the elements from the source stream by using a key selector, and maps each of these groups by using a map function.

export function partitionByKey<T, K, R>(
stream: Observable<T>,
keySelector: (value: T) => K,
streamSelector: (grouped: Observable<T>, key: K) => Observable<R>,
): [(key: K) => GroupedObservable<K, R>, Observable<KeyChanges<K>>]

interface KeyChanges<K> {
type: "add" | "remove"
keys: Iterable<K>


  • stream: Input stream
  • keySelector: Function that specifies the key for each element in stream
  • streamSelector: Function to apply to each resulting group


[1, 2]:

  1. A function that accepts a key and returns a stream for the group of that key.

  2. A stream of KeyChanges, an object the describes what keys have been added or deleted.


const source = interval(1000);
const [getGroupByKey, keyChanges$] = partitionByKey(
x => x % 2 == 0 ? "even" : "odd",
(groupedObservable$, key) => groupedObservable$.pipe(map(x => `${x} is ${key}`))

const [useEven, even$] = bind(getGroupByKey("even"));
const [useOdd, odd$] = bind(getGroupByKey("odd"));
const [useKeys] = bind(
map(keySet => Array.from(keySet))

function MyComponent() {
const odd = useOdd();
const even = useEven();
const keys = useKeys();

return (
<div>Your keys are: {keys.join(", ")}</div>

A more typical list example. The list component can bind the list of keys while the item component binds the stream for each item, eliminating unnecessary renders:

interface Pet {
id: number;
pet: string,
pos?: number;

const petNames = ["Fluffy", "Bella", "Nala", "Nocturne", "Teddy"]
.map((pet, id): Pet => ({pet, id}));

const [petUpdate$, updatePet] = createSignal<Pet>();

// Let's line up our pets
const petRace$ = merge(of(...petNames), petUpdate$);

const [petByID, petIdChange$] = partitionByKey(
x =>,

const [usePetByID] = bind((id: number) => petByID(id));
const [usePetIDs] = bind(petIdChange$.pipe(
map(keySet => Array.from(keySet))

const PetItem = ({petID}: {petID: number}) => {
const pet = usePetByID(petID);

return (
<div style={{width:'100%', textAlign:'right'}}>
<br />
<div style={{textAlign:'left'}}>
{'*'.repeat(pet.pos || 1)}

const PetList = () => {
const petIDs = usePetIDs();

return (<ul>{ => (<PetItem key={x} petID={x} />))}</ul>);

See also